
Camp FUR COVID-19 Policy

There will not be any health or COVID-19-related entry requirements for Black Rock City this year, so it is up to each of us to take care of ourselves and avoid infecting others.

  • If you are eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine booster and haven’t received one yet, do so at least two weeks prior to arriving on playa.
  • The week prior to arrival and the week after departure from BRC, avoid indoor gatherings in poorly ventilated settings or densely packed outdoor settings. If this is not possible, consider wearing a mask in these situations.
  • Take a rapid home test before driving to and after leaving BRC. Please do not enter BRC if you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or have tested positive within 10 days.
  • Bring enough COVID-19 antigen (rapid) tests for everyone in your group to do at least 2 tests through the week. If you think you may have been exposed to COVID-19 or if you have any symptoms, please test!
  • Bring N95 or KN95 masks with you (and some to share if you have extras!). Some staff spaces will require participants to wear a mask before interacting, so you will not be permitted in some areas without a mask.
  • Wear a N95 or KN95 mask in enclosed or poorly ventilated spaces like the porta-potties or in crowded spaces. This is especially important in the first half of the week since there will be enough time for COVID to incubate and get you sick while still on playa.
  • If you suspect you have COVID-19 while in BRC, or you are experiencing symptoms, but you test negative, please isolate yourself to the extent possible for five days, keep six feet of distance, and wear a KN95 or N95 mask.
  • If you test positive for COVID, please isolate and recover off playa in a hotel (there are plenty in Reno), a friend’s accommodation, or at home. Have a plan for your camp infrastructure to go home with someone else if necessary.
  • If you are sick, need emergency care for symptoms, and cannot safely get off playa, go to an Emergency Services Department (ESD) station while wearing a well-fitting N-95 mask. Please let the volunteers there know you tested positive so they can initiate safety measures. This is both for your own well being and the protection of everyone around you. As with all medical services on playa, any care you receive will be confidential and anonymous.